I've gleaned some information from several sources to show how fascia is connected to and how it impacts our bodies overall.  These lists are NOT intended to be all inclusive but rather a broad overview of its impact on our body, design, structure and how if affects overall functional mobility. It is a "living" list - in that the list will be ongoing and updated regularly. The videos I created give a general glimpse of where the fascial nets/lines are located within the body.  The brief descriptions are designed to give you an idea of the underlying structures impacted and influenced by the related fascia.  This is for visualization purposes only.


Superficial Front Line/Net

Associated Fascia, Structures and Movement:  Scalp Fascia, Sternocleidomastoid, Sternum Fascia Rectus Abdominis, Rectus Femoris and Quads,  Tibialis Ant and fascial compartment, Achilles Tendon, Toe extensors, Balances out the Superficial Back Line/Net, Gives tensile support for pubic region, ribs and face, postural knee extension

Superficial Back Line/Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Posterior scalp fascia, deep spinal intrinsic muscles, Erector spine, Sacrolumbar fascia, deep lateral hip rotators, Sacrotuberous ligament, Hamstrings, gastrocnemius and soleus, Achilles tendon, plantar fascia and short toe flexors, supports posterior body surface from foot to head creates body extension

Deep Front Line/Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Scalenes, Deep neck mustles, Lungs, Chest muscles, Heart, diaphragm, Anterior spine, Pelvic floor, Psoas, Iliacus and pectinous, Hip Adductors, Poplitius, Tibalias Posterior, Long toe flexors


Functional Lines/Front Power Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Pectoralis Major, Rectus Abdmons, Add. Longus; contralateral and Extension of Arm Lines/Nets across body for power and precision 

Spiral Lines/Deep Power Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Splenius wapitis and splenius cerivics, Rhomboids, Serratus Anterior, Abdmonial Obliques and fascia, Erector Spinae, Sacrolumbar fascia, sacroturerous ligament, TFL & Iliotibial tract, Bicep Femoris, Peroneals, Tib Ant; wraps body in double helix thus creating, compensating and contributes for twists, rotations and lateral movements.

Functional Lines/Back Power Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Latissimus, Lumbodorsal Fascia, Scaral fascia, Glut Max, Vastus Lat, Subpatellar Tendon;  contralateral and Extension of Arm Lines/Nets across body for power and precision 


Superficial Front Arm Line/Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Pec Maj, Med, Intermuscular Septum, Lat. Dorsi, Wrist flex and Retinaculum, Palmer region of hand

Superficial Back Arm Line/Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Traps, Deltoid, Lateral Internal septum, wrist extensors &  myofascia

Lateral Power Lines/Net
(Combined on video however separately identified)

Associated Structures and Movement:  Latissimus Dorsi, External Oblique, Sartorius, (Power Net) Sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, specious capris, intercostals, lateral abdominal oblique, quadratus. Lumborum, Gluteus max, Glut Med, Greater trochanter, TFL, Iliotibia Track of hip abductors, Fibula/peroneus and fascia,

Deep Front Arm Line/Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Clavical Pectora fascial, Thenar extensors & Myofascial, Biceps Brachii, Radial Periostium, Radiao Collateral Ligaments, Pec Min.

Deep Back Arm Line/Net

Associated Structures and Movement:  Ulnar collateral ligaments, Hypothenar muscles, Ulnar periosteum, Levataor Scap., Tricep Brachii, Rotator Cuff, Rhomboids,


Resources: Web: The "Google", Wikipedia, AshleyBlackGuru

Books: Anatomy Trains, Stretch to Win, Fascial Stretch Therapy, Altas of the Human Body