MAT® Bodywork

MAT® is type of bodywork that blends principles of Structural Integration and Osteopathy to relieve pain before it becomes chronic and debilitating. I am a Master Myoskeletal Therapist through Erik Dalton.

The basic idea of MAT® or Myoskeletal Alignment Technique, is that most pain is caused by fundamental problems with the muscle-skeletal system - meaning how our body is aligned and how it moves. BOTH systems suffer due to improper functional mobility causing associated symptoms of pain, tightness, stiffness and compensation patterns that lead to potential endless cycles of pain.

The idea is to use the fascia of the body - because it’s EVERYWHERE! - and restore muscles to their proper use by either lengthening strained areas or encouraging and facilitating weaker under-used muscles for normalizing their use there by restoring proper musculoskeletal alignment and lessening aches, pain and breaking the pain cycle.

I integrate MAT® into my Assisted Fascial Stretch and Massage Therapy sessions as I find it complementary to treating the root of pain and getting faster results for my clients.

As with all bodywork, we see long term results with consistency of sessions AND with consistency of self care programs that are followed up at home.